If you are unemployed or going through a rough time you may find it difficult to get a new job. If you are looking to advance your career, find more purpose and meaning in your life, and gain more professional experience you may decide to become a ScrumMaster. A ScrumMaster is a crucial part of a professional team that allows the team to operate at its peak. If you are interested in facilitating a team and helping them work at optimal capacity you should highly consider becoming a ScrumMaster certified.
How To Become a ScrumMaster Certified?
If you are interested in becoming a ScrumMaster certified you can earn credentials and certification in a variety of different ways. The easiest and most efficient way to earn accreditation is through scrum-insitute.org. This organization allows you to learn the necessary skills, get accredited, and become confident in your abilities.
To earn your accreditation you will have to take a course at scrum-insitute.org that is usually taught by a Certified Scrum Trainer who will help you learn all the skills you need to pass the written assessment required to earn certification. The exam consists of 35 quesitons, in which you must get at least 24 questions correct.
What Does A ScrumMaster Do?
A ScrumMaster certified is responsible for helping their team stay on track. According to Forbes, a ScrumMaster should be viewed as the protector of the team. This person should help alleviate all stress and distractions from those working on the team. They should delegate questions from stakeholders and find solutions to questions without interrupting those on the team.
A ScrumMaster should also help their team understand how Scrum works. They should teach and model how Scrum works for all members of their team. Helping your team efficiency and productivity use Scrum to produce a great product is the main responsibility of a ScrumMaster.
Benefits Of Becoming a ScrumMaster Certified
#1) Advance Your Career
If you are able to earn additional certifications that can help your career you should. Earning a ScrumMaster certification can help you advance your career by setting you apart from others. If you are interested in applying for higher positions with better pay and benefits this certification can help set you apart from all others. Your current or future employee can recognize this additional skill that you have and you can use this to help advance your career and land your dream job.
#2) Ability to Manage Large Teams
Scrum is a relatively new way of doing things. If you earn your certification as a ScrumMaster certified you will learn new skills and gain expert knowledge in how to properly and effectively use Scrum. You will also learn how to efficiently manage large teams and keep everyone working at their peak capacity. Not only will this certification help you learn more but it will also give you the confidence to use your knowledge and lead your team.
#3) Open Doors To New Opportunities
If you are looking for a change in career or are unemployed you may be looking for the perfect opportunity to change things up. Becoming a ScrumMaster certified allows you the opportunity to open new doors to new opportunities. ScrumMaster certification is a newer certification that many people may not have. Earning this new certification can give you the credentials that no one else has and help you find a new job. After earning this certification you may be sought after by a variety of different employers who see the benefits that this certification has.
#4) Increased Self Confidence
Anytime we go to school, earn an additional certification, or learn something new we all get happy and experience increased self confidence. If you are able to gain a certification, especially if you are unemployed, you may find new meaning in your life and get new hope for what the future holds. Taking the initiative to change your current situation can increase your self confidence and give you the confidence to apply for new jobs that can support you and your family.
If you are interested in changing your current situation and gaining access to new and exciting job opportunities you are likely looking for something new to do. one of the best ways to open the doors to new opportunities and to feel a greater sense of self worth is to become a certified ScrumMaster. Earning this certification helps set you apart from other potential employees and gives you the knowledge and experience to lead a team to success